UV Cleaning Robots Part Of Heathrow Airport’s Plan To Make Travel Safer

In a bid to instill confidence in passengers Heathrow Airport has deployed UV cleaning robots across its site. With travel corridor exemptions opening up the possibility of increased travel the airport wants to make sure passengers feel as safe as possible when using their services. A carefully thought-out plan has been constructed by the airport that combines stringent cleaning measures with technology to minimise the risk of COVID 19.

A spokesperson for Heathrow commented on how the robots would operate with ultraviolet rays being used to, “efficiently kill all viruses and bacteria.” [1] The number of robots set to be deployed is yet to be revealed but it’s thought they will operate in every section of the airport. The company has also introduced a wide range of cleaning measures to ensure passenger safety and reduce the risk of transmission. UV handrail technology will be deployed on all escalators and will act as a continuous disinfection system for hands. Services that are likely to be touched including door handles, trolleys and lift-buttons will all be fitted with self-cleaning antiviral wraps. To raise awareness of COVID 19 protocols the airport has also formed teams of hygiene-technicians who will be on hand to answer any questions and disinfect services. These teams will be responsible for providing feedback on the new measures being rolled out and the effect they have on passengers.

With travel set to increase Heathrow is determined to provide a safe environment for its colleagues and customers and the measures are effective immediately. While some countries are still excluded from the corridor exemption list the airport is looking to the future when travel fully resumes.

© Whitestone Chambers


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